Another late blog entry! Trying to get up-to-date as quickly as I can!
Well everyone who knows me, knows that I am not only a sucker for adverts (i.e. glittery shampoo), I am also a COMPLETE MUG for lucky dips. Claire's Accessories usually does a 10 items for some amount of money in a white bag, so you can't see the contents. A local boutique sometimes has mystery items wrapped in beautiful tissue paper. Fetes and fairs alike have the "boy" and "girl" boxes with prizes wrapped in gender-oriented wrapping paper. I will have a go on all of them, knowing that the prizes will be awful, that they are merely the reject items that no-one else wants. I just cannot resist finding out what that slightly-squidgy-flat-thing-wrapped-so-enticingly IS, and many a time have I been ushered out the door before my child-like hands can delve into the box of goodies. I think I am also an eternal optimist, and always think this time my luck will be in. Alas, I am never right, and my items usually end up at the charity shop to gain a new, more meaningful, life.
So, when a friend posted a link for Glossybox, it was fatal.
Glossybox promises "5 luxury product miniatures from high-end brands [...] sent directly to your door every month" for £10 + £2.95 P&P. It is a rolling contract so you can cancel any time you like, so I thought "why not?"
And boy, am I glad I did.
My postie obviously possesses the ability to read minds and knew that I was waiting like an expectant child at Christmas for my Glossybox, and hid it in my garden for me, instead of making me go to the Post Office - thank-you postie!
The outside packaging got me very excited indeed:
See how excited I was? I couldn't even take a picture before opening it! |
And then, more suspense!
And yet more... (How gorgeous is the packaging?)
The box comes with a list of each product, and how much they retail for. My first Glossybox contained (don't forget that it only cost me £12.95 in total):
Glossybox Serie Exclusiv Pro Beauty Brush - RRP £15 each
HD Brows Precision Tweezers - RRP £19.95 a pair
BM Beauty Summer Warmth Bronzer - RRP Fullsize £8.00/4g
Paul Mitchell The Conditioner - RRP Fullsize £12.25/300ml
Vichy Dermablend Ultra-Corrective Foundation Cream Stick - RRP Fullsize £19.00/12g
As you can see, the brush alone is worth more than the cost of the box! Very happy lady at this news.
The contents of June 2012 Glossybox |
Maisie inspecting the Glossybox |
The Brush
The brush is made by Glossybox themselves, and they say "This classic series natural goat hair blush brush gives a supersoft make-up application."
I am always after new make-up brushes, so I was happy that I got this in the box, and this one looks expensive and feels soft, but not too soft. I'm not an expert on make-up brushes as most of mine are from sets and are fairly cheap, but the bristles on this one do seem to come out like other brushes which is slightly disappointing. Some of the bristles were sticking out further than they should too. It is the right size for blusher and applies it well, but I wouldn't say it's an outstanding brush. It's a blusher brush, and that's it.
The Tweezers
I am quite picky about my tweezers and will spend a fair amount on them to get a super pair (perhaps I should extend this to my make-up brushes?) - I have a pair of Tweezerman ones which are FAB. When I first opened the box the tweezers came in, I noticed they look a lot like my Tweezermans, which was promising, and they are just as great. A lot of cheaper tweezers don't grip the hair properly, but these are really well made and are perfect for the job.
The Bronzer
I am quite pale and don't usually wear bronzer, except when I want a super summery glow, as it tends to make me look a bit... dirty. I tried out a tiny amount of this bronzer and it is quite dark for my skin, but it's OK if you use a tiny amount and blend well. This will be useful in the summer months. It is quite shimmery too, which I like.
The Conditioner
I seem to have misplaced this so have no picture! I did however, use this before I put it somewhere safe - It's a leave-in conditioner which will also be nice in the upcoming summer months. I may have put a bit too much in my hair as it made it a tad greasy on the ends (I didn't put any on my roots). It has a fairly sticky texture and a blue tint, which makes me wonder about the additives in it... I wouldn't buy this at full size as I have used better, cheaper, leave-in conditioners (or I just use a small amount of normal conditioner on dry hair).
The Concealer
I have heard about Dermablend before, and was quite excited about this product, but I was mildly disappointed. However, I did only use it under my eyes, but it didn't seem to cover flaws as well as promised. I think it may also be due to the limited colour range - as previously mentioned, my skin is very fair, so I always have to have the lightest colours. I will continue to test this product out as I'm sure I will grow to love it!
July 2012 Glossybox is already here (and I have used some of the products without taking individual pictures - naughty!) so stay tuned for the review!
Do you get Glossybox? Did you get a different variation for June? What did you think of the products?
What products would you like to see in Glossybox?